Airship | Pavlof Harbor to Ell Cove
by Laura Domela and Kevin Morris 6 Aug 2024 16:42 PDT

Airship | Pavlof Harbor to Ell Cove © Kevin Morris
We enjoyed two full days of bears (the ones I posted in the last post), warm weather and sun, jellyfish, two keeper crabs, and one nice silver salmon while in Pavlof Harbor.
The first night there were only three boats, but the second night–TEN! It was very crowded, and people anchored too close and had to move, and there was a group of folks up at the bear viewing spot most of the day trying to snag salmon…at one point we heard a gunshot and have to assume one of the bears was too close and warranted (?!?!?) a warning shot, but it seems to us that the groups of bear-watching people with guides we normally see at Pavlof never have needed to do that, so I’m gonna guess it was an issue on the part of the humans not paying attention to where they and their stuff (quite a few coolers and other things) were, and where the bears were, but I don’t really know. I just know I’m glad we weren’t up there while all the casting and snagging and shooting was going on.
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